Do Something That's Bigger Than You

When asked why it was dishonourable to return without a shield and not without a helmet, the Spartan king, Demaratos replied: “Because the latter [helmet] they put on for their own protection, but the shield is for the common good of all.” (Plutarch) It’s the iconography of The Resilience Shield model and methodology. And it’s also the definition of a selfless, trusting, and resilient team.

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Tim Curtis
Soften Your Leadership to Strengthen Your Team

Leaders often feel like they must demonstrate hard leadership skills to build a strong team. To gain respect and followership, the leader consistently demonstrates attributes of power and confidence. The leader “takes charge” and pressures the team towards the objective. Hard leadership skills require little team depth. They rely on position and authority. Hard leadership skills are effective for simple and clearly defined problems that need quick solutions. Conversely, soft leadership skills emphasise collaboration and typically take longer to build dynamic and effective teams over time capable of solving complex problems.

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Ryan Burke
UPDATE: The Resilience Shield

It’s been 6 months since the publication of our book The Resilience Shield. It has been on both Top 10 and bestseller lists, featured in Apple Books of the Month and across many bookseller events. We have also completed many keynotes and workshops to hundreds and hundreds of eager people wanting to understand how they can be more resilient. But the most fulfilling aspect has been the individual feedback on how the book is changing lives and perspectives. It has been incorporated into curriculums, group therapy and is being used by psychiatrists as ‘bibliotherapy’.

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Tim Curtis
Need lessons in resilience? Take notes from this book by Aussie SAS veterans

It’s fair to assume that anyone reading this has heard the word “resilience” before. But have you ever spent any time really considering what it means? For a long time, we certainly hadn’t. Sure, we thought we were pretty tough, but so were many of our mates who ended up suffering from stress-related illnesses. It started to become clear that there was more to the concept than we had initially thought, and so we began research to build a more thorough understanding of the historical and contemporary views on resilience.

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Complete The Resilience Survey Today!

This week we launched the TRS-42, the latest iteration of our Resilience Survey. We’re very proud to have developed and fielded this screen – not only is it a slimmer, quicker and more user-friendly experience, but it also incorporates the learnings from all the resilience research we have conducted to date into what we believe is the most comprehensive .

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Ben Pronk