COVID-19 Contact Tracing

COVID-19 Tracing is challenging and first responders must be armed with the right methodology. Our senior partner Tim Curtis gives a short overview of two tools designed by Mettle Crisis Leaders, including the inter-relationship matrix which can be accessed at the link below.


Working From Home Guides

As organisations transition to work from home arrangements, we’ve aggregated some useful information to assist employees and managers in ensuring continued safety and productivity.


Embrace the Virus

As the world progresses rapidly towards what now appears to be an inevitable ‘new normal’, the organisations that will fare best have already demonstrated accelerating thinking about approaches to the coronavirus pandemic.  While response to ensure containment is critical, we also advocate that there is no crisis without opportunity. Here’s five things we know.


Optimising the Virtual Crisis Management Environment

The COVID pandemic and resultant social distancing concepts are forcing businesses to look closely at their remote work practices. Overlaid on this, many organisations have enacted their Crisis, Emergency and Business Continuity processes - this article addresses the challenges of optimising these in a virtual environment.


Leading Through Times of Crisis

Mettle’s Managing Partner, Ben Pronk, presented an online keynote as part of an AGSM webinar to discuss some of the leadership implications presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. The event was designed to provide participants with perspectives and processes to respond appropriately to times of crisis as leaders in their organisations - and more broadly in society.